New books for Germany

Tuesday, 21 October 2014 - Reported by Pascal Salzmann
CrossCult-LogoGerman book publisher Cross Cult is planning to release three new Doctor Who books in the coming months:

  • November sees the release of Gareth Roberts's adaption of Shada, based on a script by Douglas Adams. The novel can be pre-ordered on Amazon DE.
  • In December Cross Cult is going to release the children's book Wann ist der Doktor? Ein Wimmelbuch ("When's the Doctor? A search-and-find book"), featuring illustrations by Jorge Santillan. It can also be pre-ordered from Amazon DE.
  • Finally, the publisher announced that they secured the rights for the War Doctor novel Kriegsmaschinen ("Engines of War") by George Mann. It will be released in February 2015 and can already be pre-ordered.

Cross Cult, primarily known for its german translated Star Trek novels, started publishing Doctor Who novels in 2013, when they released the 2nd Doctor novel Rad aus Eis ("The Wheel of Ice") by Stephen Baxter. They went on to publish the 10th Doctor novel Wunderschönes Chaos ("Beautiful Chaos") by Gary Russell, and the anthology 11 Doktoren, 11 Geschichten ("11 Doctors, 11 Stories").

SHADA-HighResolution (Credit: Cross Cult) Kriegsmaschinen (Credit: Wann ist der Doktor (German book)

FILTER: - Books - Germany

Online petition for a German dub of the classic series

Wednesday, 8 October 2014 - Reported by Pascal Salzmann
Fans in Germany have started a petition to help get the newly-started german Netflix to dub and release the classic series of Doctor Who.

The petition, started by Andrè Schott, reads:

Dubbing and release of Classic Doctor Who in German
German fans of Doctor Who have been waiting for a very long time to see the classic series, which ran from 1963 to 1989, dubbed into German. There are 26 seasons, but only 5 of them are available in German. We request a German dub and a release of the remaining 21 seasons. The current DVD distributer Pandastorm Pictures already stated their interest in more releases of the classic series. However, they are unable to finance the dub on their own. This is why they need the support of a TV broadcaster. Netflix just started in Germany, is still looking for new content and already offers all of the new series of Doctor Who. They would be perfectly suited for a release of the classic episodes. (Translated from German)

To this day there are only Seasons 22 to 26 and the TV Movie available with a German dub. German DVD distributer Pandastorm Pictures is going to release those seasons in boxed sets, starting this November. Der Siebte Doktor Volume 1 (Season 24) can be pre-ordered from Amazon Germany.

FILTER: - Blu-ray/DVD - Classic Series - Germany - Online

Germany: FOX confirm time for The Caretaker

Friday, 19 September 2014 - Reported by Chuck Foster and Pascal Salzmann
With an 8:30pm timeslot for the new Doctor's sixth adventure The Caretaker announced by the BBC earlier this week, German broadcaster FOX have now confirmed that they will amend their schedule to accomodate the later time. The channel has to date aired the series at 9:00pm European time, a little later than the BBC One broadcast, but from the 27th September German viewers will be able to enjoy the episode simulataneously with those in the United Kingdom.

FOX told us:
Tatsächlich wird die BBC in UK am 27. September eine neue Sendezeit für "Doctor Who" testen. An diese Zeit müssen sich selbstverständlich alle ausstrahlenden Länder halten, um die Folgen nicht vor der Weltpremiere zu zeigen. Episode 6 ist am 27. September um 21.30 Uhr gleichzeitig zur UK-Ausstrahlung auf Fox zu sehen.

It is indeed the case that the BBC in the UK is going to test a new airtime for "Doctor Who" on 27th September. All broadcasting countries have to change their schedules, of course, to not broadcast the episode before the world premiere. Episode 6 will be shown at 27th September, 9.30pm, at the same time as in the UK.

The series is currently broadcast in English on Saturday evenings, preceeded by the previous episode with subtitles; the entire series is due to be repeated with a German soundtrack from the 15th November.

FILTER: - Germany - International Broadcasting - Series 8/34

Classic DVD release schedule for Germany announced

Tuesday, 16 September 2014 - Reported by Pascal Salzmann
Siebter Doktor: Volume 1 (Credit: Pandastorm)German DVD distributor Pandastorm Pictures announced today the upcoming plans for DVD releases of the classic series in a newsletter sent out to fans. As previously reported the first volume of seventh Doctor stories includes the complete Season 24 on four discs, all the bonus features of the UK DVD's and will be released on 28th November 2015.

Additionally, Pandastorm Pictures is going to release the following sets:

  • Siebter Doktor Volume 2 (Season 25, 5 discs, release date: 27th February 2015)
  • Siebter Doktor Volume 3 (Season 26, 7 discs, release date: 24th April 2015)
  •  Die Fünf Doktoren (The Five Doctors, 2 discs, release date: tba)
  • Sechster Doktor Volume 1 (The Twin Dilemma & Season 22, 7 discs, release date: tba)
  • Sechster Doktor Volume 2 (Season 23, 4 discs, release date: tba)
  • Doctor Who - The Movie (2 discs, release date: tba)

According to the newsletter there are currently rights issues that need to be resolved before the TV Movie can be released.

There are no German dubs to any other episodes available, so further releases are unlikely. However, the distributor has told fans that it would consider dubbing more classic episodes if the DVD's are going to sell extremely well.

Der Siebte Doktor Volume 1 can be pre-ordered from Amazon Germany.

FILTER: - Blu-ray/DVD - Classic Series - Eighth Doctor - Fifth Doctor - Germany - Seventh Doctor

Germany: FOX to broadcast German dub of Series 8 in November

Monday, 15 September 2014 - Reported by Pascal Salzmann
FOX Deutschland has announced today on Facebook that they are going to broadcast Series 8 dubbed into German from November 15th. They will show two episodes every Saturday at 7.15 pm.

Here is the full statement by FOX:

Liebe DOCTOR WHO-Fans, es gibt Neuigkeiten! Ab dem 15. November zeigen wir euch die deutsche Fassung der 8. Staffel immer samstags ab 19.15 Uhr in Doppelfolgen!

Alle Sendetermine in der Übersicht:
  • Ab 15. November: TV-Premiere der deutschen Fassung immer samstags in Doppelfolgen ab 19.15 Uhr
  • Zurzeit: Samstags, 21.00 Uhr, englische Fassung parallel zur Weltpremiere
  • Zurzeit: Samstags, 20.10 Uhr, englische Fassung der Vorwoche mit deutschen Untertiteln
Dear DOCTOR WHO-fans, we have news! We will present to you the german version of Series 8 on 15th November, always two episodes Saturdays at 7.15 pm!

All broadcasting dates:
  • 15th November: TV premiere of two episodes of the german version every Saturday at 7.15pm
  • Currently: Sataurdays, 9 pm, english version in simulcast to the world premiere
  • Currently: Saturdays, 8.10 pm, english version with german subtitles of last week's episode

As previously reported FOX was forced to change their plans at the last minute, transmitting Deep Breath and every episode since in english instead of german, after BBC Worldwide failed to deliver the material needed for the dub in time. BBC Worldwide issued an apology but were unable to state when they were willing to deliver the material needed.

FILTER: - BBC Worldwide - Broadcasting - FOX - Germany - International Broadcasting - Series 8/34

Germany: Complete Season 24 DVD boxed set in November

Saturday, 6 September 2014 - Written by Pascal Salzmann
German DVD distributor Pandastorm have announced the release of the DVD boxed set Siebter Doctor Volume 1 (Seventh Doctor Volume 1).

The set contains the complete Season 24, featuring Sylvester McCoy as the Doctor, and includes all special features that were present on the single story DVD releases in the UK. According to the website of Pandastorm's distribution partner wvg the discs will run for approximately 350 minutes plus 328 minutes of bonus features. Audio and subtitles will be in English and German.

The description for the DVDs reads as follows:

Complete Season 24 (German DVD Release)Die erfolgreiche Sci-Fi-Kultserie öffnet die Tore zu ihrer Vergangenheit. Die Abenteuer des siebten Doctors erstmalig in Deutschland auf DVD. Mit über 5 Std. Bonusmaterial und Booklet. Sylvester McCoy's (Radagast aus „Der Hobbit“ Trilogie) erste Staffel in der Rolle des siebten Doctors ist ein schriller, bunter und witziger Trip durchs All. Dabei begegnet er einer gefährlichen Widersacherin: Die Rani. Diese hat sich mit einem Volk menschengroßer Fledermauswesen verbündet, um die Macht über das Universum zu übernehmen. Auf einem Eisplaneten muss er zudem gegen den skrupellosen Schatzjäger Sabalom Glitz und den Sklavenhalter Kane kämpfen, der mit einer einzigen Berührung seine Gegner zu Eis gefrieren lassen kann. Und trifft schließlich auf die junge Ausreißerin Ace, die den Doctor fortan auf seinen Reisen begleitet und sich als einer der beliebtesten Companions der Seriengeschichte entpuppen soll.

The most successful Sci-Fi cult series opens the doors to its past. The adventures if the seventh Doctor on DVD for the first time. Featuring over 5 hours of bonus material and a booklet. Sylvester McCoy's (Radagast from "The Hobbit" trilogy) first season in the role of the seventh Doctor is a jarring, colourful and funny trip through the galaxy. On it he meets a dangerous enemy: the Rani. The Rani has an alliance with a race of huge bat-like creatures in her plan to rule the universe. On an Iceplanet he fights against the ruthless treasure hunter Sabalom Glitz and the slave trader Kane, who is able to freeze someone to ice with a single touch. And finally he meets the young runaway Ace, who is going to travel with the Doctor and who is seen as one of the most popular companions in the history of the show.

The DVD boxed set will be released on 28th November 2014 and can be pre-ordered from Amazon Germany.

FILTER: - Blu-ray/DVD - Classic Series - Germany - Seventh Doctor - Sylvester McCoy

Germany: subtitled episodes for new series

Friday, 22 August 2014 - Reported by Pascal Salzmann and Chuck Foster
In a followup to yesterday's report on the status of Doctor Who in Germany, broadcaster FOX have received an update from BBC Worldwide on how the series will be presented in the country, at least for the present:

We are happy to announce that we found a preliminary solution for the German speaking DOCTOR WHO fans. We guarantee to deliver episodes with German subtitles on time for their weekly repetition Saturday evenings on FOX. We are still working on a timeline for the delivery of German dubbed episodes.
Wir freuen uns eine vorläufige Lösung für deutschsprachige DOCTOR WHO Fans bekanntgeben zu können. Wir garantieren, Episoden mit deutschen Untertiteln rechtzeitig für die Wiederholung am Samstag abends auf FOX zu liefern. Wir arbeiten aktuell noch an einem Zeitplan für die Lieferung der Folgen auf Deutsch.

In previous years, FOX has presented Doctor Who fully dubbed into German; however, the leak of several episodes online last month via a BBC Worldwide server in Miami has led to more stringent controls being put into place over how the series is distributed internationally.

FILTER: - BBC Worldwide - Broadcasting - Germany - International Broadcasting - Series 8/34

BBC Worldwide statement on episode dubbing in German

Thursday, 21 August 2014 - Reported by Chuck Foster and Pascal Salzmann
FOX in Germany have published a statement from BBC Worldwide over the channel being unable to broadcast a German-dubbed version of Deep Breath this coming Saturday:

Wir bedauern, dass es aufgrund von Änderungen in den Produktions-Timelines von Doctor Who BBC Worldwide nicht möglich war, FOX die notwendigen Episoden rechtzeitig zu liefern, damit eine deutsche Übersetzung zur gleichzeitigen Ausstrahlung mit der englischen Fassung angefertigt werden kann. Wir können jedoch garantieren, dass FOX die deutsche Fassung zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt zeigen wird. Wir hoffen, dass durch eine Ausstrahlung der beiden Sprachversionen so viele Fans wie möglich in den Genuss der achten Staffel von Doctor Who kommen werden. Leider können wir FOX bis heute keine Details über die Materiallieferungen für die Synchronisation der kommenden Episoden geben.
We regret that due to changes in the production timelines it was not possible for BBC Worldwide to deliver the required episodes of Doctor Who to FOX in time for them to translate and transmit the series in German simultaneously with the UK broadcast. We can guarantee that FOX will be showing the German-language version of the series as well. We hope that with FOX showing both language versions that as many fans as possible will be able to enjoy season 8 of Doctor Who. Unfortunately, as of now we can’t give Fox any further details about delivery timelines for the dubbing of the upcoming episodes.

Deep Breath airs on FOX this Saturday at 9:00pm.

FILTER: - BBC Worldwide - Broadcasting - Germany - International Broadcasting - Series 8/34

Germany: FOX unable to produce German dub of Deep Breath for premiere

Wednesday, 20 August 2014 - Reported by Pascal Salzmann
FOX Deutschland have announced on Facebook that they are not going to air the German dub of Deep Breath on Saturday, but instead will only broadcast the original English language version. According to the channel this decision is due to the BBC's enhanced security after the leaks, which resulted in the material arriving later than usual and making it impossible to finish the German dub on time.

FOX have apologised to viewers, and stated that they will make the German-dubbed episode available through On-Demand services from Sky and Kabel Deutschland as soon as possible.

Here is the full statement by FOX:

Liebe FOX-Fans, unser Ziel ist es, euch deutsche Erstausstrahlungen so zeitnah wie möglich zur Weltpremiere zu präsentieren - in Originalsprache und auf Deutsch. Mit THE WALKING DEAD, THE BRIDGE - AMERICA und DA VINCI‘S DEMONS ist uns das erfolgreich gelungen. Daher waren wir stolz, euch auch DOCTOR WHO Staffel 8 zeitgleich zur UK-Premiere zeigen zu können. Und euer sehr positives Feedback hat uns gezeigt, dass das der richtige Weg ist.

Im Produktionsprozess der Serie ist ein Drehbuch an die Öffentlichkeit gelangt ( ), was zu höheren Sicherheitsmaßnahmen und damit erheblichen Verzögerungen in der Materiallieferung und der Synchronisation geführt hat. Daher können wir nur einen Teil unseres Versprechens einlösen: Ihr werdet DOCTOR WHO Staffel 8 am gleichen Tag wie in UK auf FOX erleben, jedoch in der Originalfassung. Das tut uns sehr leid!  Die deutschen Folgen werden wir euch im VOD-Bereich von Sky und Kabel Deutschland anbieten. Sobald diese verfügbar sind, erfahrt ihr es hier auf Facebook!
Dear FOX-fans, it is our goal to present to you German premieres as near as possible to their world premieres - in the original language and in german. We did this successfully with THE WALKING DEAD, THE BRIDGE - AMERICA and DA VINCI'S DEMONS. That is why we were proud to announce a simulcast broadcast to the UK premiere of Series 8 of DOCTOR WHO. And your very positive feedback showed us that this is the right thing to do.

During producing of the show a script was leaked to the public ( ) which lead to advanced security politics and later arrivals of material and dubbings. This is the reason why we are only able to fulfill one part of our promise: You will be able to experience Series 8 of DOCTOR WHO on FOX on the same day as the UK, but only in its original version. We are very sorry! The German episodes will be presented to you on your VoD account at Sky and Kabel Deutschland. As soon as they are available, you will get a notice from us here at Facebook.

Doctor Who: Deep Breath will air this Saturday at 9 PM on FOX.

FILTER: - Germany - Series 8/34

Philipp Brammer (1969-2014)

Friday, 1 August 2014 - Reported by Chuck Foster
Philipp Brammer (Credit: Berchtesgadener Anzeiger)Philipp Brammer, the voice of the tenth Doctor to German viewers, has died after suffering a fall on a walking trip this week. The actor and voice artist from Munich was found by police and mountain rescue crew in the Edelweißlahnersteigs area after he had been reported missing by his wife on Monday, having not returned from his planned trip to the Edelweiss Breitlahner.

Brammer was a popular voice artist who, as well as portraying the tenth Doctor aka David Tennant, also provided voices for Gaeta in Battlestar Galactica, Rainbow in Stargate Atlantis, and Lex Luthor in Smallville; other dubbed actors included Martin Freeman in The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Leonardo di Caprio in Marvin's Room and Jason Priestley in both Beverly Hills 90210 and Tru Calling. As an actor he appeared in television series such as Die Rosenheim-Cops, SOKO 5113 and most recently The Old Fox, but was perhaps best known for his role as Jan Günzel in the series Lindenstraße. He also provided voices for video games such as Lost Horizon
Philipp Brammer, 28 August 1969 - 28 July 2014

FILTER: - Germany - Obituary - Tenth Doctor