Fifty Years of the Fourth Doctor - Free Bookazine

Saturday, 28 December 2024 - Reported by Marcus

Tom Baker

Today marks fifty years since we first became acquainted with the fourth Doctor as played by Tom Baker.

Baker had briefly appeared the previous summer in the final episode of Planet of the Spiders but 28th December 1974 is when the fourth Doctor had his first adventure Robot. 

The episode was broadcast on BBC 1 at 5.35 pm following the Shari Lewis Show and the News and preceding Bruce Forsyth and the Generation Game. It had 10.8 million viewers. 

Baker would go on to play the Doctor in 173 episodes over 7 years, plus a notable return in the 2013 anniversary story The Day of the Doctor. He is the longest-serving Doctor to date.

To mark the anniversary Radio Times has produced a special digital bookazine edited by Stuart Manning, Tom Baker: 50 Years in Time and Space

Radio Times - Tom Baker: 50 Years in Time and Space

A 64-page digital bookazine collecting the best interviews from five decades of features. Enjoy 64 pages of the greatest Doctor in his own words, illustrated throughout with rare and unseen photography from the RT archives. 

The bookazine is free to download from


In addition, Big Finish have released a special full-cast audio anniversary adventure, The Curse of Time. Starring Tom Baker, along with Sadie Miller (as Sarah Jane Smith) and Christopher Naylor (as Harry Sullivan), the story picks up at the end of Season 12, with the Doctor and his companions returning to Earth after the events of Revenge of the Cybermen

The Curse of Time is written by Jonathan Morris and begins with the Doctor, Sarah (Sadie Miller)and Harry (Christopher Naylor) arriving in what seems to be medieval England.

They discover they're actually in the far future, long after solar flares caused most of Earth's population to flee into space (as seen in The Ark in Space and The Sontaran Experiment).On this severely changed Earth, they encounter the creepy magician Faustus Black (AngusDunican) and the megalomaniacal scientist Zaphiel Ixon (Terence Wilton) – two sinister villains whose schemes put the TARDIS crew in grave danger.

Doctor Who – The Fourth Doctor Adventures: The Curse of Time is now available to purchase for just £15.99 (collector's edition double CD with slipcase + download) or £12.99 (download only), exclusively from


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FILTER: - Fourth Doctor