New Eighth Doctor costume revealed
Saturday, 23 October 2010 - Reported by Chuck Foster

The costume consists of a double-breasted black Naval jacket, with gold buttons. Part of of the ensemble is a courier pouch bag. However, the shirt and trousers were actually McGann's own and not part of the costume.
Also revealed is a new sonic screwdriver, courtesy of Weta Workshop, the wizards behind the effects on The Lord of the Rings. The screwdriver is similar to the one used by the current Doctor, Matt Smith, but has a wooden handle.
The revision comes some fourteen years since the original Eighth Doctor image was established for the 1996 TV Movie; this is now felt to be a little out of date and the new costume - still a work in progress - is said to be used for future promotional purposes.
No other information in known at present, other than this is an unofficial costume - but it is believed to have the blessing of the BBC.