World Tour in RioBookmark and Share

Wednesday, 20 August 2014 - Reported by Marcus
The Doctor Who World Tour has made its final stop in the South American city of Rio de Janeiro.

The Doctor Who YouTube have created a spectacular video at Christ the Redeemer using a GoPro Drone cam

Credit: BBC WorldwideCredit: BBC Worldwide

Some stats on the World Tour
  • 7 cities in 7 countries across 7 different timezones and 5 continents in just 12 days (Cardiff, London, Seoul, Sydney, New York, Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro)
  • Over 11000 fans got to see preview of Deep Breath during 7 fan and Q&A shows with Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman (and Steven Moffat) in each stop
  • Over 35000 miles travelled in total
  • 6 iconic photo-shoots including Cardiff Castle, South Korea's Bosingak Bell, New York's Top of the Rock, Sydney's Harbour Bridge and Rio's Christ The Redeemer.
  • Met with over 250 international media, including 4 press conferences and photocalls in Sydney, New York, Mexico City and Rio
  • Prominent coverage in some of the world's biggest news outlets including Reforma (Mexico), Veja Magazine (Brazil) and The Sydney Morning Herald
Next stop: Leicester Square on Saturday.

FILTER: - Jenna Coleman - Peter Capaldi - World Tour 2014

Doctor Who Tour reaches MexicoBookmark and Share

Sunday, 17 August 2014 - Reported by Marcus
Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman have received a deafening reception from over 3000 Mexican Doctor Who fans in the latest leg of the Doctor Who World Tour.

The TARDIS two appeared on the stage of the Teatro Metropólitan in the centre of Mexico City for a special event which included a screening of the 2014 series premiere Deep Breath

The team have also been undertaking other media events in the capital before the tour departs for the final stop, Rio, on Monday.

Credit: BBC WorldwideCredit: BBC WorldwideCredit: BBC WorldwideCredit: BBC WorldwideCredit: BBC WorldwideCredit: BBC WorldwideCredit: BBC WorldwideCredit: BBC WorldwideCredit: BBC Worldwide

FILTER: - Jenna Coleman - Steven Moffat - World Tour 2014

Doctor Who Tour reaches New YorkBookmark and Share

Friday, 15 August 2014 - Reported by Marcus
The Doctor Who World Tour has reached North America, with stars Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman, alongside lead writer Steven Moffat, meeting fans and attending a Question and Answer session at the Ziegfeld Theatre in Manhattan.

Fans camped out for up to 10 hours to see the stars emerge from a New York taxi as they attended the special screening of this year's season opener Deep Breath.

Peter Caplidi told the crowd he had been watching Doctor Who since he was five.
Actors who played Doctor Who – Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker – those were the people I was watching. More than Laurence Olivier. I turned up on set and saw the Tardis. I remember touching it … the police box … and I got a little bit teary. I was just so thrilled to be there,
The tour now moves into its final few days with events in Mexico City on Sunday and Rio de Janeiro on Monday. The team then return to the UK in time for a special event at the Odeon Leicester Square on Saturday to launch the series around the world.

Credit: BBC Worldwide Credit: BBC WorldwideCredit: BBC Worldwide Credit: BBC WorldwideCredit: BBC Worldwide

FILTER: - Jenna Coleman - Peter Capaldi - Steven Moffat - World Tour 2014

BBC One transmission time for Deep Breath confirmedBookmark and Share

Wednesday, 13 August 2014 - Reported by John Bowman
The BBC One transmission time for Series 8 opener Deep Breath was today confirmed by the corporation.

Peter Capaldi's first full episode as the Doctor, which goes out on Saturday 23rd August, will air from 7.50pm. It is in a slot finishing at 9.10pm, according to the BBC Media Centre, and will also be broadcast on BBC One HD. The episode has been written by Steven Moffat and directed by Ben Wheatley.

In addition, interviews with Capaldi and Jenna Coleman were published on the official site today and can be read below:

Can you describe your emotions on the first day when you stepped on set as the Doctor?
I was frightened and excited. My first proper day was stepping out of the TARDIS into a brand-new world, which was exactly what was happening to me. Of course, being inside the TARDIS you're just inside a big box really. It's not bigger on the inside, it's just a prop and you're in there with Jenna and a prop man who you've never met before. It was all a bit cosy. But it is frightening because you have to take on the challenge of this role, but at the same time it's exhilarating because you are getting to step out of the TARDIS as Doctor Who, and that's an iconic role and a great position to be in.

How are you feeling ahead of the new series starting?
Apprehensive, excited, and keen.

What have fans got to look forward to this series?

They can look forward to some scary episodes and some funny ones and a Doctor who is difficult to keep up with and who is more alien than perhaps we've seen for a while.

Since the show returned in 2005 have you always hoped the role would come your way?

I was always interested but I never thought they’d come to me. So I was always interested because I liked the show very much, and I loved Chris (Eccleston), David (Tennant) and Matt (Smith). All of them I think have been fabulous. But I was always interested in being in it. I was always hoping someone would call me and say ‘What do you think of coming and being in an episode? – but I never thought they would think of me as Doctor Who.

Have you received any advice from any of the other Doctors?
Yes, Matt and David. We are often in touch, they have been very good. David did take me for a coffee before it had been announced, and he just pointed out to me that I would become more visible and that my life would change in some way.

You are a big Doctor Who fan. Is that an added pressure or an advantage?
Both. It does add to the pressure because you’re hugely aware of how well the role has been played by previous incumbents, but at the same time you have a sort of relationship with it that that doesn’t have to be acted. It’s a knowledge and a closeness to it that takes you a long way down the road. You almost instinctively know what it is. You can recognise what it is and what it should be, because it’s in your DNA.

Have you tried to take any mementos from on set yet?

No I haven’t, I don’t need any mementos - I’m Doctor Who!

What has been the best thing so far about being the Doctor?

It’s working with all of these gifted people, because the crew, the designers and the cast are all so good at what they do. To be working with people who are so great at their jobs is a wonderful thing, and it’s a highly imaginative place to be in the studio when this is all going on. It’s fabulous from the point of view that you’re doing things you would never have done in other television shows. There isn’t another television show like it, where the central character can be blown up, or materialised underneath the sea or be in outer space. So to turn up every time you start a new episode and be submerged in a totally new world is certainly one of the best things about it. To be able to have the privilege of looking after this character for a while is the best thing about it for me. It’s that you’ve been given this very precious thing, and it’s your responsibility to try and keep him aflame until the next person comes along. You’re looking after the character and it looks after you too.

Has there been a sequence you’ve particularly enjoyed filming?
I’ve just been filming a sequence in which I have to be suspended on wires, 20 feet in the air for a whole day, and people kept worrying about me and saying ‘Are you OK? Are you all right?’ But it was fantastic! It was like being nine years old. To be carted up into the air on wires to pretend to fly, I was Doctor Who and Superman. It was absolutely brilliant. You know you’re safe and everyone is there looking after you. Where else is a man of my age going to be attached to wires and flung around a room? I think being on the wires is great fun.

How do you feel about being the joint-oldest Doctor?

I think you learn to pace yourself and you recognise the dangers. Everybody counselled me about how physical the role is, but that’s great! It’s like exercise, you don’t have to go to the gym. You just come and play Doctor Who and run up and down corridors being chased by monsters, and run away from explosions. It keeps you fit, but obviously when you’ve been around the block a little bit like I have, you can actually say ‘I’m not running over that thing over there, that looks too dangerous.’ You can pace yourself more, and that’s what I’ve done. So touchwood we’re nearly there, and I’m surrounded by a great team who look after me. I think too much is made of my age, who cares? Doctor Who is over 2,000 years old…

What sort of response have you had from Doctor Who fans so far?
My relationship with fans, either when I’ve met them or when they’ve written to me, that’s all been wonderful and kind and positive. It’s a delightful thing when people are pleased to meet Doctor Who, because Doctor Who is far more interesting than I am. So I get his smiles. The welcome look on people’s faces is because they’re meeting Doctor Who, not me. The fans have been wonderful, those that I’ve met. I’m not a creature of the internet, so I’m not out there finding out what people are saying, but I hope we will meet a lot more people. Especially with the world tour I’m going to meet lots of people. But genuinely the fans I have met have been very positive and a great support to me. That’s lovely. I know what Doctor Who fans are like because I am a Doctor Who fan myself. They’re good people.

Are you looking forward to the audience reaction?
It depends what it is. That’s the truth. It depends if they like me or not. The thing I do know because I’m a fan of Doctor Who is that if there are a lot of people who don’t like me, there will also be some people who really like me, and that’s quite a nice feeling. That’s the nature of the show. People will take sides.

How has it been having Jenna on set to share the experience with?
She’s great. Jenna has been absolutely brilliant. I think she’s wonderful in the show, and she’s my favourite companion. She’s been so welcoming to me and so warm. I couldn’t have wished for anyone better to welcome me to the show. She’s just been delightful to work with, so I hope we can carry on doing that.

How is Clara feeling about having a new Doctor?
For Clara it unbalances her and throws everything up in the air. She has gone from feeling safe - in moments of danger the Doctor would catch her - and thinking she had it all sussed, then suddenly this new guy has come along who she can’t quite access in the same way. He’s removed, he’s not as patient, and he’s much more alien and enigmatic. It’s really hard for her. Her best friend is a changed person, and it is a very difficult for her to accept that and move forward.

What is Clara’s relationship like with the Doctor?

It’s interesting because it’s a really changed dynamic. It’s very funny, there’s a lot of bickering. There’s no one that can wind her up as much as this Doctor can, because he’s just a loose cannon. He has this mad curiosity. It puts Clara out of her comfort zone and totally out of control, so we see the control freak in her really ramp up. What I think is really good about it is it’s an unlikely friendship. Even if she wanted to leave she can’t, because she’s bonded to him. He absolutely infuriates her. He annoys her. No one else can wind her up quite like it – but she just loves him. The friendship is strange and charming.

Would you say the tone of the show has changed this year?
It feels different. The pace is different, and the tone. It’s definitely darker, but again I think it’s because the Doctor is much more removed and not as accessible to humans. The show feels complex, and the Doctor is complicated. He’s this heroic figure but he can’t quite accept he’s a hero. It’s also the Doctor getting to know himself again as well as the audience, and Clara, getting to know him. There’s definitely this element of beginning again as there always is with a regeneration. He’s much more of a tough cookie, and there’s fierceness to it now I think. Peter is just so dynamic as well, he’s a firecracker. That is really interesting for Clara, because when they go on these adventures – yes it’s fun and it is full of adventure – but actually it is dangerous as well. The risk-taking is heightened.

What is in store for Clara this series? Do we learn anything new about her?
You see a lot more of her home life. We see how she lives her life, and how she lives a double life. Spending time at home, being a teacher and living a normal life, and then very separately sneaking off and having these mad, wonderful, magical adventures with the Doctor. Actually, it is quite exhausting for her. She’s trying to keep a lid on it, and she arrives back at school soaking wet with seaweed on her shoulder for example, and she has to explain that. It’s a theme throughout the series, lying and why we lie, lying to protect someone you love. It’s this web of lies that she gets herself tangled in.

How have you found working with Peter?
It’s been a joy. He’s so funny and so generous. That’s one of the things from day one on the shoot. He was looking after me on his first day, which I just think is testament to the type of man he is. He is the epitome of grace. He is that kind of man that takes care of all of those around him. Despite all of that, he’s just so skilled and so brave and bold in the choices that he makes, and really clever and dynamic. What I love about him is that he’s so prepped and immersed in the job, but then at a moment’s notice he’s not afraid to abandon any plan and try something else. He’s a really fearless actor that’s very generous to those around him. We just have such a laugh as well. We’ve laughed the whole way through the series together.

Did you find yourself showing Peter the ropes?
There’s silly basic things you can do like “there’s the canteen”. Silly things like that. What I really wanted to do was be as open as possible to change from the start, and also just make him feel supported and that he could try anything. I’d be up for trying anything. It was about being totally open with each other and trying to get that relationship as soon as possible so that we could get the best out of it. Also to allow him to really be able to explore, because that’s the kind of actor he is. He’s very explorative on set as well, so just being as responsive as I could to that so he could explore and find his Doctor. It’s been amazing to watch actually, especially watching episode one, and to see where he’s got to now having just finished the series. It’s a massive growth.

What can you tell us about Clara’s relationship with Danny?

She meets a man called Danny Pink – a teacher - who’s charming and lovely. He’s that perfect boyfriend really and is very supportive, but he doesn’t know anything about this double life she lives. She tries to hide it from him whilst at the same time falling in love. She becomes very torn between the two. It’s almost as if she’s having an affair, without having an affair, but the lying becomes more and more. Basically she’s trying to manage the two, and have these two men in her life. It becomes quite a hurtful thing and quite a hard thing for her because she’s totally torn between the two, and trying to have both at once without being able to do it successfully.

What’s it been like working with Sam Anderson?
It’s been great. He’s a dream. I think he’s going to be really popular in the show. He’s very laid back, very cool and collected, and he plays the trumpet in-between takes as well on set! He’s lovely. I do feel sorry for his character though, as he’s got this girlfriend who is completely stressed every time she appears after coming back from being with the Doctor.

Watch the trailer for Deep Breath below:

FILTER: - BBC - Broadcasting - Jenna Coleman - Peter Capaldi - Series 8/34 - UK

World Tour Sydney HighlightsBookmark and Share

Wednesday, 13 August 2014 - Reported by Marcus
Credit: BBC WorldwidePeter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman have wowed Doctor Who fans in Sydney as part of the global Doctor Who Tour.

The duo touched down in Australia's biggest city on Tuesday morning where they embarked on a hectic round of publicity and personal appearances to launch episode one of the new series and introduce the new Doctor to Australia.

Following a press conference and photo call on Sydney Harbour Side, the day culminated with a fan event at the State Theatre, where Capaldi and Coleman received a standing ovation from over 2000 fans.

Peter Capaldi commented:
I’ve been bowled over by the Australian fans’ reaction to Doctor Who: The World Tour. It’s terrific to see so many Whovians turn up at the iconic Sydney locations to celebrate the launch of the new series and to warmly welcome Jenna and myself.
Jenna Coleman added:
I’ve always known the magic of the show but the Australian leg of the world tour made me realise that Doctor Who has an enormous place in many Australian fans’ hearts too. It was wonderful to see everyone enjoying the opening episode so much.
Jon Penn, Managing Director, BBC Worldwide ANZ says:
It’s been fantastic having the new Doctor and his companion in Sydney and the amazing reaction from Australian fans reflects the depth of love and engagement with this brand.
The tour marks the largest ever promotional undertaking in Doctor Who’s 50-year history. It kicked off in Cardiff, Wales on 7th August, followed by London (UK) and Seoul (South Korea). After Sydney, Doctor Who: The World Tour will continue in New York (US), Mexico City (Mexico) and will finish in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) on 19th August.British Airways has been the event sponsor for the Sydney and Seoul stops on the tour.

Credit: BBC Worldwide Credit: BBC Worldwide Credit: BBC Worldwide Credit: BBC Worldwide Credit: BBC Worldwide
The rest of Australia will get to see the new Doctor when ABC simulcast the feature-length first episode in line with the UK broadcast in the early hours of Sunday morning 24th August (EST). Following the simulcast, the episode will be available to watch on ABC iview throughout the day before it broadcasts on ABC at 7.40pm Sunday 24th August.

ABC will also screen an exclusive interview with Peter Capaldi, hosted by Julia Zemiro. When Julia Met The Doctor will transmit on Wednesday 20th August at 8pm.

There is currently a Doctor Who Pop-Up shop at Shop 9.28A World Square Shopping Centre, 644 George Street, Sydney, where fans can buy all the latest Doctor Who merchandise. Next year the Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular hosted by Fifth Doctor Peter Davison will be touring Australia and New Zealand, stopping off at Sydney, Adelaide, Perth and Auckland.

The tour now moves on to North America where it reaches New York on Thursday.

FILTER: - Jenna Coleman - Peter Capaldi - World Tour 2014

Seoul Q&A HighlightsBookmark and Share

Tuesday, 12 August 2014 - Reported by Marcus
The BBC has released a compilation of highlights from the Question and Answer section of the South Korean leg of the Doctor Who World Tour.

The team are now in Australia where a round of Press and TV appearances are scheduled, before the tour moves onto America.

FILTER: - Jenna Coleman - Peter Capaldi - World Tour 2014

Deep Breath Leicester Square GuestsBookmark and Share

Tuesday, 12 August 2014 - Reported by Marcus
The BBC have confirmed that Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman and Steven Moffat will be attending the special screening of Deep Breath at the Odeon Leicester Square on 23rd.

They will take part in the live Q&A hosted by Zoe Ball, which will be broadcast into participating cinemas up and down the country.

Tickets for the Leicester Square event are available online

A list of participating cinemas is available here.

FILTER: - Jenna Coleman - Peter Capaldi - Series 8/34 - Steven Moffat - World Tour 2014

Jenna Coleman takes to social media on Doctor Who World TourBookmark and Share

Sunday, 10 August 2014 - Reported by John Bowman
With the Doctor Who World Tour having reached Seoul in South Korea in the run-up to the start of Series 8 on Saturday 23rd August, Jenna Coleman has begun using social media - sending tweets and posting pictures on Instagram.

Her first tweet linked to a picture of Seoul, which she had posted on Instagram. The tweet - echoing her surprise first appearance in Asylum of the Daleks - simply reads: "Seoul... Boo".

Coleman has also posted a picture of a Doctor Who cake with her character Clara, Peter Capaldi's Doctor and the TARDIS as decorations (shown here), then tweeted a picture of the TARDIS and a boy in a toy car in Seoul, along with a humorous observation:

Her Twitter account - @Jenna_Coleman_ - was set up in March 2012, when she was announced as the new companion, but it is only now that she has begun using it. Her Instagram account name is

The whirlwind tour's next stop is Sydney on Tuesday 12th August, followed by New York City on Thursday 14th, Mexico City on Sunday 17th and Rio de Janeiro on Monday 18th.

FILTER: - Asia Pacific - Jenna Coleman - Events

World Tour - New York TicketsBookmark and Share

Saturday, 9 August 2014 - Reported by Marcus
BBC America has announced that tickets for the New York leg of the Doctor Who World Tour will go on sale on Monday 11 August at Midday.

The screening event will take place at 7.30pm ET on Thursday 14 August at a venue yet to be confirmed and features special guests Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman and Steven Moffat.

Tickets will be on sale from Eventbrite at a cost of $12 plus surcharge.

FILTER: - Jenna Coleman - Peter Capaldi - Steven Moffat - World Tour 2014