Torchwood: Children of Earth teaser and preview screeningBookmark and Share

Tuesday, 28 April 2009 - Reported by Josiah Rowe
A new teaser for Torchwood: Children of Earth was broadcast on Australia's UKTV today, in conjunction with the final episode of Torchwood Series Two. UK readers can see the teaser on the BBC's Torchwood site.

"Torchwood: Children of Earth" is a five-part miniseries, which will air this summer on BBC One and BBC America. An official air date has not yet been announced, but the British Film Institute will host a preview of the first episode in London on Friday, 12 June, at BFI Southbank(formerly known as the National Film Theatre). This preview will be followed by a question and answer session with members of the cast and crew.

The BFI has released a summary of the preview, which can be seen in the spoiler box below.

(Thanks to "xanderl" of the Doctor Who Forum.)
1965: Twelve children are gathered on a deserted moor, before being surrounded by a harsh, bright light .... and then they are gone!

Today: all over Earth, children stop moving. Stop playing, stop laughing. Then, as one, they begin to speak with the same voice, announcing the imminent arrival of a new alien threat. "We are coming...".

As the British government closes ranks, it issues a death warrant against Captain Jack and Torchwood...

FILTER: - Torchwood - Children of Earth (Series 3)