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Saturday, 20 March 2004 - Reported by Shaun Lyon
We've been told that the final casting deal for Eccleston was signed just yesterday (Friday), with enough time to get details, and quotes from Davies and the BBC, to the media for a Saturday announcement (you'll notice that the initial reports in the electronic edition of the Saturday morning papers came at just after midnight UK time!)

Press clippings are now available at the wonderful Cuttings Archive website; scroll down to updates on that site for a full list and links to many articles from yesterday and today's papers.

Strange reports coming in from Australia, where the Adelaide Sunday Mail picked up on the erroneous report in the UK paper of the same title, naming Bill Nighy as the Doctor! Meanwhile, the story has made international headlines in North America too, being picked up on CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corp.) overnight news broadcasts.

FILTER: - Christopher Eccleston - Press