Exclusive: Doctors Revisited clipsBookmark and Share

Thursday, 7 November 2013 - Reported by John Bowman
General entertainment channel Watch reaches the Ninth and Tenth Doctors' eras this weekend with its UK premiere run of the BBC America celebratory series The Doctors Revisited - and Doctor Who News has been given exclusive clips from both the latest documentaries.

The 11-part series, consisting of 30-minute episodes, features the story behind each Doctor, alongside footage from their era, plus a specially-curated selection of stories, and the next two editions centre on the Doctor as played by Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant.

See the clips below:

Doctor Who: The Doctors Revisited - The Ninth Doctor airs on Saturday 9th November at 2pm, followed by the episodes Bad Wolf at 2.30pm and The Parting of the Ways at 3.30pm.

Doctor Who: The Doctors Revisited - The Tenth Doctor airs on Sunday 10th November at 2pm, followed by the episodes Silence In The Library at 2.30pm and Forest of the Dead at 3.30pm.

The series will conclude on Saturday 16th November when Watch focuses on the Eleventh Doctor's era.
With thanks to UKTV Watch and Taylor Herring PR

FILTER: - Ninth Doctor - Documentary - UK - WHO50 - Tenth Doctor - Broadcasting