Hulke Stories On AudioBookmark and Share

Tuesday, 7 August 2007 - Reported by DWNP Archive

Unabridged readings of classic era Third Doctor novels Doctor Who And The Cave Monsters and Doctor Who And The Doomsday Weaponare to be released by BBC Audiobooks, says the official programme website.

Both penned by Malcolm Hulke, the original TV versions of the Jon Pertwee stories were called Doctor Who And The Silurians and Colony In Space respectively.

Caroline John, who played assistant Liz Shaw in Doctor Who And The Silurians, reads Doctor Who And The Cave Monsters, while Geoffrey Beevers, who portrayed the disfigured Master in The Keeper of Traken, readsDoctor Who And The Doomsday Weapon.

The stories will be available from September 3 as CD sets and downloads.

FILTER: - Audio - Classic Series