Bernice Summerfield UpdateBookmark and Share

Wednesday, 13 April 2005 - Reported by Shaun Lyon

Big Finish has issued details of the next year of its Bernice Summerfieldseries, continuing the spinoff adventures of the former Doctor Who novel companion from the Virgin New Adventures series. 2005 will see the release of the following audios, with exact dates TBA: David Bailey and Neil Corry penThe Heart's Desire (cover and blurb on the release calendar); Jacqueline Rayner writes The Kingdom of the Blind; Simon Guerrier writes The Lost Museum; Joseph Lidster pens The Crystal of Cantus; and Andy Russell writes The Goddess Quandary. Also in release: a novel by Mark Michalowski, The Tree of Life; the previously-rumored three-novella hardcover; and the short story anthology Something Changed edited by Guerrier. Also due out in early 2006 are two additional audios, with no attached authors: The Tartarus Gate and The Dyson Ring. Full details are in the release guide.

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