Telegraph Takes UmbrageBookmark and Share

Tuesday, 4 May 2004 - Reported by Shaun Lyon
The Daily Telegraph printed an editorial by Jim White on May 3 entitled "There's no time like the present, Michael Grade," which lampoons the long-time caustic relationship between Doctor Who fans and the new chairman of the BBC, the man who put Doctor Who on hiatus in 1985. "That grin Michael Grade has been wearing since it was announced he was to return to the BBC as chairman of the governors: now we know the explanation. He's looking forward to jousting with an old foe. Not the Downing Street press office. Not even the Daily Mail." Yes, you guessed it... Doctor Who fans. The article calls into question the "militant" forces of Doctor Who fandom, showcases the author's journey to online websites including Outpost Gallifrey (mentioning our convention and the next meeting of our local fan club) and Nitro Nine ("serving the Dr. Who community since 1994"), and yet fails to accurate portray many facts, including misrepresenting the name the Doctor Who Appreciation Society, noting how Russell T. Davies was merely "commissioned to write episodes" and mocking the 40,000 fans attending the next Gallifrey convention. The article concludes by wondering if Christopher Eccleston would be best suited in another role altogether. You can read the entire article by clicking the link above.

FILTER: - Press