BBC Books UpdateBookmark and Share

Friday, 27 June 2003 - Reported by Shaun Lyon
The newest issue of Doctor Who Magazine features some new details about forthcoming novels from BBC Books in 2004. In May 2004, Jonathan Morris ("Anachrophobia") returns with The Tomorrow Windows, an Eighth Doctor novel set on Earth and in another world's present and past. Craig Hinton's previously announced Sixth Doctor & Peri novelSynthespians(TM) is confirmed for June 2004; it features an adventure aboard a space station where everyone is entertained by soap operas, and the Doctor battles an old foe. While details for later in 2004 haven't been announced yet, the October 2004 book will be Match of the Day by Chris Boucher ("Psience Fiction"), with the Fourth Doctor and Leela's visit to a planet inhabited by organized vigilantes. All dates are of course tentative. (Thanks to DWM)

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